
I live Art as a creative channel through
where I can raise my
vital and spiritual state.
An area of freedom of expression, provocation, of reflexion, of criticism ...

Art is a concept that is in continuous revision.
I feel a certain skepticism about the word “art “because on many occasions it is an alibi to cover up a series of things.
The established and immovable order suffocates me; they do it, even, my own spaces, after a while. I must run away to meet me. Spatial awareness? Nomadism? Search spirit?

EcoArt is a militant and revolutionary art, with the ultimate goal of rediscovering harmony between man and nature.
Otherwise, a heartbreaking transition awaits us. Urge an awakening.

My work is a compilation of breaths, contradictions, affirmations and transits whose trigger is the gradual
self- discovery.
I don't understand art without risk
or with no commitment to the future.
My work reflects an indication of an artistic and social militancy that aims to provoke and
involve the viewer.

A work of art is more than an object: it's a piece of human history.
The role of the artist is to reveal, across the surfaces of the world, the forms
implicit soul.

When there is great variation and sensitivity for art, means that society is eager to evolve towards improvement.
It also translates the inner revolution.
Each work is like a trip: memory and distancing, escape, remoteness from the already known, surprise, accumulation, bewilderment, discomfort, self-reward.

You are what you do. If you dedicate yourself to your work: effort, illusion and energy, you end up growing in parallel.
We believe what we believe
Nothing can be created without lonely
And introspection has given me the possibility to discover myself and understand the nature of the human being..

All my works are pieces of my own reality, fragments of experiences, of moments, of scenes recorded by the conscious.
A tiny grain of sand in a vast desert. This is how I usually feel in the face of major environmental disasters and current challenges.

The solution to all these problems is not only in the hands of governments or multinationals.
Cheer up! Many grains of sand form
big beaches.