Marta x criticism

Marta Soriano speaks and makes herself understood in eleven languages; has traveled all over the world; has been an international translator; lives in a wooden house in front of a vast landscape that, from the top of the mountain, lets you see how the sea meets the sky.
Creator of Ecoart, promotes actions that awaken social creativity through art based on waste materials.
Marta Soriano gives her artistic expression a broader and more lasting meaning. In a remarkable number of the pieces that I have seen, manages to overcome the anecdote of the forms to integrate into the cosmic feeling of the artistic work.
His ability is demonstrated through useless objects from our cultural environment, that you use to build your works. Creative thinking is what matters most. And she has it.
Josep Maria Cadena
Art critic
The newspaper
“Marta Soriano is a cosmopolitan artist, adventuress, paradigmatic and multidisciplinary, revolutionary and tireless defender of recycling and the environment … She is a woman who radiates happiness and from whom we can learn a lot, if we were all like her we would have a much better world “.
People enjoy her work and are not indifferent, for something will be.”
Joan Corominas
Ecological architecture

Marta Soriano, she is a mediterranean artist, innate traveler, polyglota, ecologist, Buddhist and environmental activist.
She knows how to transmit with her works, with that overflowing imagination and daring compositions that have always characterized her, ecological and environmental messages like nobody else, and her exhibitions have given much to talk about and write about. Married to art and nature, she has great respect for sublimated matter.
Josep Cuní
TV3 journalist
“Marta Soriano, a benchmark in the world of recycled art in our country, is convinced that Ecoart
it will be one of the most important avant-gardes of the 21st century.
It affirms that what we have built in millennia, we are destroying it in just a few decades.”
Anabel Herrera
Journalist – Integral

Marta Soriano wants with her art to show us that with the things we do, we do, with which we say we define ourselves. It aims to build a fully human language by directing it and pointing it out from now on, to prevent and avoid that future, to prevent and seek another. She wants the transmutation of the current roar into speech, and this is achieved through her work in the artistic workshop, in the alchemical laboratory. A) Yes, the sorcerer-artist, he also presents herself as a healer, to discriminate, re-mix and dose the poisons to obtain a medicine, and it is therefore also a homeopathic art.
Angeles Parra
Director of Bioculture
"Marta Soriano, a human being full of faith and will to live, with illusions and projects, in love with life, artist, buddhist, ecologist, mother of Delia and Carlos, feminist and convinced of what she does, with great respect for the human being and nature.
Her presence radiates optimism and joy and with her work she manages to awaken artistic sensitivity and love for the world., because its mission is to rediscover the beauty that is in what we discard, making that beauty of the waste become a work of art, as a witness to the present and as an alert to the future.
Marta Soriano evolves, believe in the law of impermanence, in continuous change, in the transformation of the human being, which allows you to be in constant activity of creation, from your inner world, full of immense love for what she does, and giving every day of her life to consolidate a pedagogical proposal for the XXI century, expanding in turn the path of art and offering opportunities to live to those who discover the beauty of what is discarded. "
José Darío Salazar Ramos
Journalist Psychologist
S-XXI Foundation. Colombia

"Marta Soriano, aware of the need to live respecting the environment, practice by example and use waste to build your work. A work with a message that she calls Ecoart.
The Ecoart expressly moves away from any corset or academicism, and always seeks the maximum expression of freedom and creativity.
Her intentions, and its ultimate goal is to sow the seed of environmental revitalization through art. "
Oriol Nadal
Obelisco editions
“It would not be fair to attribute to chance the visual results that the Catalan artist Marta Soriano has obtained through her research and continuous studies. Her vocation to recover the useless goes beyond the strictly material, because your interest and desire is to apply a generous and warm dose of life, not only to give her back the breath that they deprive her of, but to cover it with beauty.
Curiously and this is not the result of coincidence, the titles of some of the numerous pictorial samples made by this artist, as "The other side of things", "Beyond imagination", "Alchemy in the art of recycling", "Anonymous Dirt" or "Burning Earth", They are more than suggestive to affirm categorically that we are facing an authentic reality starring someone who knows how to appreciate in all its worth, that "we are what we use and what we throw away we are".
Alfredo Aracil
Art critic
European Guide to Fine Arts

"Marta Soriano has found a destination other than the landfill or the recycling plant for waste. A painting or a sculpture can also be the next destination of what is thrown. The works of this artist are made entirely of urban waste, and he does not do it out of snobbery. Creator of Ecoart, Marta even believes that it will be the new vanguard of the 21st century, because all artistic movements are the reflection of what happens in a given society, and ours produces too much waste "
Maite Gutierrez
Journalist – The vanguard
“Marta Soriano is a unique multidisciplinary artist who has made recycling the philosopher's stone of her artistic creation. Endorsed by a long history of exhibitions, Workshops and conferences in various countries, I promote Ecoart to disseminate new applications of organic waste in the field of art or in others such as education and architecture.”
Cesar Lopez Rosell
Cultural journalist
The newspaper

"Marta Soriano, involved and committed to environmental issues, makes art with what, initially, it has no beauty: non-organic waste. Relates in a plastic way diverse objects that society discards, to make us see the need to look with different eyes at everything around us. Her work is a metamorphosis of elements, harmonically combined that explodes before our eyes in magical shapes and colors.
Brings objects that have already died to life, transforms them into art and closes the natural "life" cycle, making true the thought that nothing dies, everything changes, everything turns, and everything that has existed, endures.
She does it because she thinks precisely that it is important to know what we consume and what we generate taking into account nature. The Earth has a life of its own and it is necessary to take care of it and respect it. A society that does not respect its environment, that excessively exploits natural resources, ends up getting sick: is the breakdown of cosmic harmony, loss of natural balance.
Person of strong convictions "…I think that only through art, culture education we can achieve peace and harmony among all of us…”
Joan Tramuns
CIMA – Informative Channel
Two old refrigerators, a television screen, a washing machine, various shower taps and copper pipes … Most of us would stay the same if all these components were planted before us and told to recycle them to make a work of art. But there are people like Marta Soriano who are able to see beyond and create a sculpture five meters high in the image and likeness of man: the refrigerators are the legs, the tv the abdomen (which also projects images ), the washing machine the thorax, taps and tubes hair dreadlocks …
Soriano practices the so-called art of recycling, an artistic trend that has its origin in the avant-garde movements of the 20th century, with Duchamp as a reference. Who does not remember that urinal that the artist showed in the middle of an exhibition in New York, scandalizing the visitors? Now, Nevertheless, it is not a breaking current, it is rather a necessity, a touch of attention to the consumer society in which we live, used to compulsively buying all kinds of objects and then throwing them even if they work, just because of fatigue or to buy a new one and theoretically better.
Informative Balearic Islands

Marta Soriano, by profession simultaneous translator, discovered in the year 1984 buddhism, while working in Los Angeles promoting the bid for the Barcelona'92 Olympic Games. Since then he has been convinced that life is an infinite cycle and he had to do something to give a third life to the huge amount of waste generated by our increasingly consumerist society. This is where the idea of creating ECOART came from. Not only is he managing to change the habits harmful to the environment among the hundreds of her students, but also her artistic creations based on waste as raw material, gain success in the market.
Aroa Ortega
The vanguard
The paradigmatic eco-artist Marta Soriano
is identified as one of the most sincere, faithful and passionate advocates of eco-art, in its aspect of creative activity, generated from solid non-organic industrial waste that can be transformed, in alchemical regeneration, in suitable pieces for the construction of plastic realities, that combine intrinsic aesthetic values with this noble attitude of respect for nature, as an imaginative alternative, infused with a certain romanticism, to the usual systems designed to eliminate the large amount of waste generated by contemporary society.
Leader of this eco-artistic movement, Marta Soriano has
expanded its message of ecological dimension, turning your exhibitions into the ideal container for your ideas, at the same time that, parallel, has projected them, through the word, in conferences, talks, colloquia and interviews.
Marta helps people, through workshops and various cultural activities, to understand, in a direct and practical way, the philosophy of movement, activating at the same time, in the students themselves, unexpected creative mechanisms that make them, immediately , into new addicted artists, of course, to the cause that she promotes.
Now, more than ever, movements like the Ecoart by Marta Soriano, they become creative alternatives necessary to face the critical situation we are experiencing, so much for its ability to find an imaginative recycling path for industrial waste, as well as allowing us to discover our hidden possibilities of becoming an authentic artist of infinite plasticities.
Claudi Puchadas
Catalunya Radio

Marta is an active woman, tireless and laborious that with their doing and creating, shapes a great paradox: of the ugly, of the useless, of what we throw away, she makes art, and an art with capital letters. Turns things around looking for their beautiful part. And this he does with the creative magic of the artist who is.
The creativity you develop is not the result of a moment, has worked deeply on this special vision of the world of waste, recreating it for as many people as possible.
Waste art has been her passion since she was little. Has given life to the useless, creating a universe of shapes, textures and colors that marvel at their great creativity. Has grown up with this perspective and shared with others, reaching almost every continent to investigate,learn more and keep growing.
From this journey across the planet she has established personal and artistic relationships, relations with the world of alternative construction, of teaching; with organizations working in education, within the vision of a better world, more creative and more sustainable.
It has also been introduced to the possibilities of alternative construction. Immersed in this new possibility, Marta explores and develops, always restless, looking for new possibilities, new frontiers, new challenges.
Toni Marin
Marta Soriano has become a true icon of our time. She has known how to defend the incorporation of waste in artistic creation. Her work is of an elegance with a point of inimitable eccentricity.
In it she reflects her emotions, the experiences you have had and the people you know. A personal trajectory shaped by plastic reflection.
Charo Barroso
ABC Natural Supplement