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5 reasons to recycle

5 reasons to recycle

Recycling is the process by which used or discarded waste is transformed into new raw materials or ready-to-use products.. We all know that recycling is essential to ensure the well-being of the planet, but do we all recycle? Today we talk about 5 reasons to recycle!   The impact of recycling Recycling is a key aspect in the care and good preservation of the environment and the planet. In fact, presents ...

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What is the Ecoart?

What is the Ecoart?

Surely you have heard of the Ecoart, but you really know what is the Ecoart? We explain it to you in this post! What is the Ecoart? The Ecoart is a style of art created and passed on by those who care about the environment locally and globally., for those who make art and its ecological activism a way of life and language. Ecoart Ideology The Ecoart is based on ecological activism and is created through the use of materials..

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Art as a complaint or pedagogical action?

Art as a complaint or pedagogical action?

From the remotest origins of mankind, art has always been a reflection of what happens in society, art reflects an era. Or is it art that influences culture and ends up marking an era? Definitely, both reflect each other. What is happening annually in our society, in our environment, on our planet? Perhaps the time has come to start creating the foundations for a new culture that will prevail in the new era in which ....

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Ecoart: The predominant artistic avant-garde in the 21st century?

Ecoart: The predominant artistic avant-garde in the 21st century?

The last 20th century was permeated with numerous artistic avant-gardes. One of the most passionate purposes of the historical avant-gardes is the union or conciliation of art and life. At the beginning of the 20th century, the rationalist thought of the 18th and 19th centuries declined, the old and archaic structures of society collapse and, with these, the great ideological props that were accepted and transmitted since the Renaissance. Disappear, by way of...

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