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Programa televisión - Marta Soriano | EcoArt
Programa televisión - Marta Soriano | EcoArt

I gave talks and conferences with titles like: "Waste as an artistic and educational resource", or "Waste as a resource for art, art as a resource for environmental education ".

I published numerous articles in the press followed by interviews, reports, debates and radio gatherings and television.

I had my own home ecology television show on TV2, every week I talked about how to make useful objects from , waste at home.

There are some 50 videos on YouTube about my artistic career.

My channel

I have published several books. One of them is already in the third extended edition. It is a didactic guide that contains 325 art workshops with waste, with recipes to create based on
waste materials.

I received an award from Department of education, Generalitat of Catalonia.. The day of the awards ceremony, I felt like a celebrity at the Hollywood Oscars ;))

Arquitectura con materiales residuales y alternativos

I presented my latest book, hasta la fecha, in December 2019 at the College of Architects of Catalonia, with the title:

"Architecture with residual and alternative materials"