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I present a new and stimulating artistic proposal: the Ecoart.

We live in a challenging and dynamic setting, art cannot be excluded.

Humans, and society, have only one way forward: steer the course in another direction, and be content in existence through being,
not through having.

My work is more than autobiographical. There is a great deal of imagination, ethics, moments, philosophy, breathing moments, contradictions and affirmations which form a gradual self-discovery.

I claim a powerful art, possessing a new level of depth and expressiveness, that contributes to awakening a new level of consciousness, whose works have a sense not only plastic and aesthetic, but also, ethical and visionary.

The artist finds treasures where others still saw nothing, keep searching and showing the hidden value in everything. The artist exalts life, fertilization, alchemy of existence, metamorphosis of being.

Creativity is helping to evolve, is to generate qualitative leaps.

If you dedicate yourself to what you like, you will not have to work a single day of your life. (Confucius)

The Ecoart is an emerging movement that is activating
to improve our planet, our only home.

We must return to the earth what she has lent us,
in the best possible conditions, for those who come later.